Which threads to use part 2 – CXC has arrived …
The CXC has arrived ! The other day the post lady delivered a large pack of cross stitch threads way quicker than anticipated.
Well packaged and not tangled was a good start.
The spanking new 18 count (settled on 18 count aida for Python) aida arrived today – ordered 2 metres so have plenty for 3 or 4 projects. I’m ready to go.
I think I might grid the fabric first so I won’t get too lost while stitching. The printer’s just spent it’s lunch hour producing the pattern (I print on high quality to make sure the symbols print properly) and I’ve downloaded the PDF to my phone in case I need to enlarge a section.
So now I just need to sort out all the threads and get them ‘in position’ as it were.
I’m quite excited to try out the CXC threads. They’re so much softer to the touch than DMC and a little thicker so I’m going to test a small square to see if I need to stitch with 1 or 2 strands.
Photos of my thread delivery – they didn’t have the newer DMC numbers in CXC so they sent DMC for those.

I’ll update from time to time with a progress report
Thanks for reading which threads to use part 2

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